Перевод: со всех языков на английский

с английского на все языки

to have the luck of the devil

  • 41 татуировка тюремная

    "Баклан" (жаргонное слово, означающее "хулиган").—"Biff-guy" (the jargon for hoodlum, rowdy, street-tough).
    "Верю в воровскую романтику".—"I believe in the romance of the underworld".
    "Верю в свою фортуну". —"I believe in my fortune".
    "Воровской крест", символ авторитета в среде заключенных.—The "thieves' cross", a symbol of authority with prison inmates. The inscription means "amen".
    "Вот что нас губит".—"This is what we are ruined by".
    "Завязал".—"Gone straight" (the jargon for "renounced a life of crime).
    "Искушен с юных лет". —"Corrupted from my youth up".
    "Мой бог — злой демон". —"My God is a malignant demon".
    "Проигрался — плати!"—"If you lose at cards, pay your debt!"
    "Смерть прокурору!" —"Death to prosecutor!"
    "Смерть той, которая толкнула меня на преступление и предала". Число поленьев означает полученный срок.—"Death to the one who drove me to crime and than betrayed". The number of logs stands for a prison term in years.
    18 лет исполнилось в ВТК.—Came of age in a penitentiary for youths.
    Вера в удачу. —Faith in good luck.
    Все в жизни преходяще. —Everything in life is transient.
    Всю жизнь за решеткой—All life long behind bars.
    Долгое время занимался кражами и грабежами, неоднократно судим; "авторитет".—Engaged for a long time in larcenies and robberies, had several convictions; a "big" (the jargon for one who is a big shot in crime)
    Жизнь тает как свеча. Туз треф — тюрьма, туз пик — надежда. Надпись на латыни — "жизнь коротка".—The life is melting away like a candle. The ace of clubs stands for prison, the ace of spades — for hope. The inscription in Latin means "the life is short".
    Жить — значит бороться.—The inscription in Latin means "to live is to fight".
    Знак дружбы до заключения.—A sign of friendship before imprisonment.
    Карикатура на сотрудников правоохранительных органов. Иногда волк изображается в форме.—A cartoon of law-enforcement officers. The wolf sometimes appears uniformed.
    Клятва мести.—A vow of vengeance.
    Кровная месть. —Vendetta.
    Купола означают число "ходок" (судимостей).—The domes stand for the number of "trips" (the jargon for convictions).
    На преступление толкнула женщина.—Driven to crime by a woman. "УК" is the acronym for Penal Code.
    Наполеон — авторитет в уголовном мире?—Napoleon — a man of authority with the underworld?
    Начал воровать и грабить. —Began to steal and rob.
    Обе татуировки имеют одинаковое значение: "было счастье, да черт унес". Подкова — символ удачи, заплата на мешке — тюремная решетка.—Both tattoos have the same meaning: "I had good fortune, but it was carried away by the devil". The horseshoe is a symbol of good luck, the patch on the bag stands for prison bars.
    Осужден за убийство жены или родственника.—Convicted for the murder of the wife or a relative.
    Отбывал срок на Севере.—Served time in the northern regions (the inscription means "North").
    Оторван от жизни. —Cut off from life.
    Символ борьбы за лидерство среди уголовников. Наносится на лопатках.—A symbol of fighting for leadership in the underworld. Drawn on the shoulder-blades.
    Символ отрицательного отношения к работникам правоохранительных органов.—A symbol of negative attitude to law-enforcement officers.
    Символ товарищества в местах лишения свободы—A symbol of comradeship in places of confinement. The inscription means "freedom".
    Склонен к жестокости и насилию. Лица с такой татуировкой в ИТУ называются "бойцами".—Given to brutality and violence. The persons so tattooed are called "strong-arm men" in places of confinement.
    Склонен к побегу из мест заключения.—Given to escape from places of confinement.
    Склонен к разбоям и грабежам.—Given to hold-ups and robberies.
    Судим за грабеж. —Convicted for robbery.
    Татуировка пассивного гомосексуалиста. Наносится насильно (только на спине).—A tattoo of a passive homosexual. Made by force (only on the back).
    Татуировки, характерные для наркоманов.—Distinctive tattoos of drug-addicts.
    Тоска по дому, по воле. —Longing for home, for freedom.
    Злая неволя отняла солнце, любовь, надежду.—The sun, love and hope were taken away by the evil captivity.
    "Вафлер" (минетчик). Татуировка наносится насильно.—"Bone queen" (the jargon for a male homosexual fellator). The tattoo is made by force.
    "По стопам любимого отца" (память о судимых родителях).—"Following in my dear father's footsteps" (in memory of convicted parents).
    "Села на якорь" (осуждена к лишению свободы).—"Got the key" (the jargon for "sentenced to a term in prison").
    "Сердцеедка". —A "man-killer".
    "Тянул срок" (был в заключении).—"Laid in lavenders (the jargon for "served a term of imprisonment").
    "Чухан" (грязный, опустившийся заключенный, презираемый сокамерниками).—"Crum" (the jargon for a dirty, degraded prisoner held in contempt by cellmates).
    "Шестерка" (осужденный, прислуживающий сокамерникам).—"Gummy" (the jargon for a prisoner used by cellmates to run errands).
    Ангелы — символ надежды.—The angels are a symbol of hope.
    Была невинной, была свободной.—I was innocent, I was free.
    В объятиях злой судьбы. —In the embrace of ill fate.
    Верю в свою любовь. —I believe in my love.
    За причиненное мне зло — отомщу!—I'll revenge the evil done to me!
    Муза всегда в моей душе. —The Muse is always in my heart.
    Наркоман. —A drug-addict.
    Невинно осужденная. —Convicted without guilt.
    Ожидание свободы, счастливой жизни.—In expectation of freedom and happy life.
    Отбывала срок на чужбине (за пределами России).—Served time in a strange land (beyond the boundaries of Russia).
    Отрицательно настроен к работникам правоохранительных органов.—A symbol of negative attitude to law-enforcement officers.
    Отсидела срок "звонком" (отбыла наказание полностью).—"Maxed-out" (the jargon for "completed a maximum sentence without previously earning parole").
    Память об умерших родителях.—In memory of the deceased parents.
    Память об умерших родителях.—In memory of the deceased parents.
    Пережила зло, предательство, любовь.—Gone through evil, betrayal, love.
    Перстень несовершеннолетних преступников. "Свети вору, а не прокурору".—A finger-ring of juvenile delinquents. "Shine for thief, but not for prosecutor".
    Погубила свекровь.—My life was ruined by Mother-in-law.
    Рождена свободной. —Born free.
    Семнадцать лет исполнилось в ВТК.—Turned seventeen at a penitentiary for youths.
    Символ амнистии, снижения срока.—A symbol of amnesty or reduction in a prison term.
    Символ любви. —A symbol of love.
    Символ материнской любви и веры в будущее.—A symbol of motherly love and faith in the future.
    Судим за грабеж. —Convicted for robbery.
    [m1 ] Судим за изнасилование. —Convicted for rape.
    Судим за кражу государственного или общественного имущества.—Convicted for theft of state or public property.
    Судим за кражу, склонен к созданию группировок.—Convicted for larceny. Given to formation of gangs.
    Судим за разбой. —Convicted for armed robbery.
    Судим за убийство, нанесение тяжких телесных повреждений.—Convicted for murder or grievous bodily harm.
    Судим за хулиганство. He поддается перевоспитанию.—Convicted for hooliganism. Unamenable to reforming.
    Счастье было почти в руках. —Fortune was next my hand.
    Татуировка наркоманок.—A tattoo of female drug-addicts.
    Умею хранить тайну. —Able to keep a secret.
    Я бандитка.—I am a gun-woman.

    English-Russian dictionary of the underworld > татуировка тюремная

  • 42 ¡! (signo de exclamación)

    Ex. Exclamation points (!) after a number refer to the results of a previous query.
    * ¡ábrete sésamo! = open sesame!.
    * ¡adelante! = go for it!.
    * ¡a freír espárragos! = on your bike!.
    * ¡ah! = ah!.
    * ¡ah! = oh dear!.
    * ¡Ah del barco! = Ahoy there!.
    * ¡allá voy! = here I come!.
    * ¡ánimo! = go for it!.
    * ¡a por todas! = go for it!.
    * ¡A tu salud! = Here's to you!.
    * ¡A vuestra salud! = Here's to you!.
    * ¡ay! = oh dear!.
    * ¡Ay de...! = Woe to...!.
    * ¡Ay Dios! = Heavens!.
    * ¡Barco a la vista! = Ship ahoy!.
    * ¡bien hecho! = the way to go!.
    * ¡bravo! = bravo!.
    * ¡buena suerte! = good luck!.
    * ¡buena suerte! = break a leg!.
    * ¡caramba! = gosh.
    * ¡caramba! = golly, by jingo!.
    * ¡Caray! = Heck!.
    * ¡caray! = gosh, golly, by jingo!.
    * ¡Chin chin! = Cheers!.
    * ¡chitón! = put a sock in it!, mum's the word!.
    * ¡chúpate esa! = eat your heart out!.
    * ¡Cielos! = Good heavens!.
    * ¡Cielo Santo! = Good heavens!.
    * ¡cierra el pico! = put a sock in it!, shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * ¡cierra la boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * ¡como para creérselo! = Posesivo + famous last words.
    * ¡cómo se nota que no está el jefe! = while the cat's away, the mice will play.
    * ¡contra! = gosh, Heck!, gee whiz [gee wizz], Yipes!, Whoops, golly, by jingo!.
    * ¡coño! = aw shucks.
    * ¡corta el rollo! = put a sock in it!.
    * ¡de ninguna manera! = Not on your life!, over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * ¡Dios mío! = goodness gracious, oh dear!.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = God forbid.
    * ¡Dios nos libre! = heaven forbid, God forbid.
    * ¡eh! = Ahoy!.
    * ¡el Cielo nos guarde! = heaven forbid, God forbid.
    * ¡enhorabuena! = bravo!.
    * ¡eso se dice pronto! = easier said than done.
    * ¡felices fiestas! = season's greetings!.
    * ¡felicitaciones! = congratulations!.
    * ¡felicitaciones! = the way to go!.
    * ¡guau! = woof!.
    * ¡hola! = Ahoy!.
    * ¡Hola compa! = Ahoy matey!.
    * ¡joder! = aw shucks.
    * ¡lárgate! = on your bike!.
    * ¡La Virgen! = Good heavens!, Heavens!.
    * ¡Madre mía! = Good heavens!.
    * ¡maricón el último! = the devil take the hindmost.
    * ¡mira quién habla! = look who's talking!.
    * ¡muérete de envidia! = eat your heart out!.
    * ¡muy bien! = the way to go!.
    * ¡nada de eso! = no dice!.
    * ¡ni en sueños! = no dice!.
    * ¡ni hablar! = no dice!.
    * ¡ni hablar del caso! = no dice!.
    * ¡ni loco! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.
    * ¡ni muerto! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.
    * ¡ni pensarlo! = over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * ¡Ni se te ocurra! = Not on your life!.
    * ¡ni una palabra a nadie! = mum's the word!, not a word to anyone!.
    * ¡no digas palabrotas! = watch your language!.
    * ¡No, por lo que más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * ¡Ojalá tuviera...! = I wish I had....
    * ¡Ojalá tuviese...! = I wish I had....
    * ¡okei! = okeydokey! [okidoki].
    * ¡pírate! = on your bike!.
    * ¡por dios! = for crying out loud!, for God's sake, in heaven's name, gosh, goodness gracious, golly, by jingo!.
    * ¡por el amor de Dios! = for crying out loud!.
    * ¡Por lo que más quieras! = for God's sake.
    * ¡por supuesto que no! = God forbid.
    * ¡punto en boca! = mum's the word!, not a word to anyone!, shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * ¡Qué diablos! = Heck!.
    * ¡qué follón! = what a palaver!.
    * ¡que gane el mejor! = may the best man win!, may the best man win!.
    * ¡qué jaleo! = what a palaver!.
    * ¡qué lío! = what a palaver!.
    * ¡qué palabras son esas! = watch your language!.
    * ¡que + Pronombre + partir un rayo! = be damned!.
    * ¡qué rollo macabeo! = what a palaver!.
    * ¡que + Pronombre + zurcir! = be damned!.
    * ¡recórcholis! = gosh, by jingo!.
    * ¡recórcholis! = golly.
    * ¡Salud! = Cheers!.
    * ¡sálvese quien pueda! = the devil take the hindmost.
    * ¡Santo Cielo! = Good heavens!.
    * ¡Santo Dios! = goodness gracious.
    = break a leg!.
    Ex. The theatrical tradition of telling an actor about to go on stage to ' break a leg', may have its origin in a German phrase borrowed from Hebrew.
    * ¡tener + que pasar por encima de + Posesivo + cadáver! = over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * ¡Tierra a la vista! = Land ahoy!, Land ho!.
    * ¡vale! = okeydokey! [okidoki].
    * ¡Válgame! = Whoops, Yipes!.
    * ¡válgame Dios! = goodness gracious, oh dear!.
    * ¡Vaya! = Whoops, Yipes!.
    * ¡vaya hombre! = oh dear!.
    * ¡vaya por Dios! = oh dear!.
    * ¡venga ya! = on your bike!.
    * ¡Virgen Santísima! = Good heavens!, Heavens!.
    * ¡y listo! = and presto.
    * ¡zas! = whack.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ¡! (signo de exclamación)

  • 43 ¡!

    ¡! (signo de exclamación)
    = exclamation point (!).

    Ex: Exclamation points (!) after a number refer to the results of a previous query.

    * ¡ábrete sésamo! = open sesame!.
    * ¡adelante! = go for it!.
    * ¡a freír espárragos! = on your bike!.
    * ¡ah! = ah!.
    * ¡ah! = oh dear!.
    * ¡Ah del barco! = Ahoy there!.
    * ¡allá voy! = here I come!.
    * ¡ánimo! = go for it!.
    * ¡a por todas! = go for it!.
    * ¡A tu salud! = Here's to you!.
    * ¡A vuestra salud! = Here's to you!.
    * ¡ay! = oh dear!.
    * ¡Ay de...! = Woe to...!.
    * ¡Ay Dios! = Heavens!.
    * ¡Barco a la vista! = Ship ahoy!.
    * ¡bien hecho! = the way to go!.
    * ¡bravo! = bravo!.
    * ¡buena suerte! = good luck!.
    * ¡buena suerte! = break a leg!.
    * ¡caramba! = gosh.
    * ¡caramba! = golly, by jingo!.
    * ¡Caray! = Heck!.
    * ¡caray! = gosh, golly, by jingo!.
    * ¡Chin chin! = Cheers!.
    * ¡chitón! = put a sock in it!, mum's the word!.
    * ¡chúpate esa! = eat your heart out!.
    * ¡Cielos! = Good heavens!.
    * ¡Cielo Santo! = Good heavens!.
    * ¡cierra el pico! = put a sock in it!, shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * ¡cierra la boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * ¡como para creérselo! = Posesivo + famous last words.
    * ¡cómo se nota que no está el jefe! = while the cat's away, the mice will play.
    * ¡contra! = gosh, Heck!, gee whiz [gee wizz], Yipes!, Whoops, golly, by jingo!.
    * ¡coño! = aw shucks.
    * ¡corta el rollo! = put a sock in it!.
    * ¡de ninguna manera! = Not on your life!, over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * ¡Dios mío! = goodness gracious, oh dear!.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = God forbid.
    * ¡Dios nos libre! = heaven forbid, God forbid.
    * ¡eh! = Ahoy!.
    * ¡el Cielo nos guarde! = heaven forbid, God forbid.
    * ¡enhorabuena! = bravo!.
    * ¡eso se dice pronto! = easier said than done.
    * ¡felices fiestas! = season's greetings!.
    * ¡felicitaciones! = congratulations!.
    * ¡felicitaciones! = the way to go!.
    * ¡guau! = woof!.
    * ¡hola! = Ahoy!.
    * ¡Hola compa! = Ahoy matey!.
    * ¡joder! = aw shucks.
    * ¡lárgate! = on your bike!.
    * ¡La Virgen! = Good heavens!, Heavens!.
    * ¡Madre mía! = Good heavens!.
    * ¡maricón el último! = the devil take the hindmost.
    * ¡mira quién habla! = look who's talking!.
    * ¡muérete de envidia! = eat your heart out!.
    * ¡muy bien! = the way to go!.
    * ¡nada de eso! = no dice!.
    * ¡ni en sueños! = no dice!.
    * ¡ni hablar! = no dice!.
    * ¡ni hablar del caso! = no dice!.
    * ¡ni loco! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.
    * ¡ni muerto! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.
    * ¡ni pensarlo! = over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * ¡Ni se te ocurra! = Not on your life!.
    * ¡ni una palabra a nadie! = mum's the word!, not a word to anyone!.
    * ¡no digas palabrotas! = watch your language!.
    * ¡No, por lo que más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * ¡Ojalá tuviera...! = I wish I had....
    * ¡Ojalá tuviese...! = I wish I had....
    * ¡okei! = okeydokey! [okidoki].
    * ¡pírate! = on your bike!.
    * ¡por dios! = for crying out loud!, for God's sake, in heaven's name, gosh, goodness gracious, golly, by jingo!.
    * ¡por el amor de Dios! = for crying out loud!.
    * ¡Por lo que más quieras! = for God's sake.
    * ¡por supuesto que no! = God forbid.
    * ¡punto en boca! = mum's the word!, not a word to anyone!, shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * ¡Qué diablos! = Heck!.
    * ¡qué follón! = what a palaver!.
    * ¡que gane el mejor! = may the best man win!, may the best man win!.
    * ¡qué jaleo! = what a palaver!.
    * ¡qué lío! = what a palaver!.
    * ¡qué palabras son esas! = watch your language!.
    * ¡que + Pronombre + partir un rayo! = be damned!.
    * ¡qué rollo macabeo! = what a palaver!.
    * ¡que + Pronombre + zurcir! = be damned!.
    * ¡recórcholis! = gosh, by jingo!.
    * ¡recórcholis! = golly.
    * ¡Salud! = Cheers!.
    * ¡sálvese quien pueda! = the devil take the hindmost.
    * ¡Santo Cielo! = Good heavens!.
    * ¡Santo Dios! = goodness gracious.
    = break a leg!.
    Ex: The theatrical tradition of telling an actor about to go on stage to ' break a leg', may have its origin in a German phrase borrowed from Hebrew.
    * ¡tener + que pasar por encima de + Posesivo + cadáver! = over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * ¡Tierra a la vista! = Land ahoy!, Land ho!.
    * ¡vale! = okeydokey! [okidoki].
    * ¡Válgame! = Whoops, Yipes!.
    * ¡válgame Dios! = goodness gracious, oh dear!.
    * ¡Vaya! = Whoops, Yipes!.
    * ¡vaya hombre! = oh dear!.
    * ¡vaya por Dios! = oh dear!.
    * ¡venga ya! = on your bike!.
    * ¡Virgen Santísima! = Good heavens!, Heavens!.
    * ¡y listo! = and presto.
    * ¡zas! = whack.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ¡!

  • 44 corde

    n. f.
    1. Parler de corde dans la maison d'un pendu: To 'put one's foot in it', to mention the unmentionable.
    2. Avoir de la corde de pendu: To have the luck of the devil. (Popular belief has it that a piece of the tragic rope acts as a good luck charm.)
    3. Se mettre la corde au cou: To 'put on the ball and chain', to 'get hitched', to get married.
    4. Ça sent la corde! I can smell a rat! — It looks fishy (suspicious) to me!
    5. Il pleut des cordes: 'It's pissing down'—'It's raining cats and dogs'—It's pouring (also: il pleut des hallebardes).
    6. Faire des cordes pour la marine: To 'crap', to 'shit', to defecate.
    7. Ne tirez pas trop sur la corde ( avec moi): Don't push me too far (if you know what's good for you).
    8. Ça n'est pas dans mes cordes (also: ça ne rentre pas dans mes cordes): It's not (really) my line—I don't think I'm the right person for this.
    9. Prendre un virage a la corde (Motoring, cycling): To cut a corner close, to cut a corner fine.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > corde

  • 45 cocu

    n. m. Cuckold. (With the exception of avoir une gueule de cocu, this state of marital misfortune is often associated with luck in other areas of life as in avoir une veine de cocu: to have the luck of the devil. This could be attributed to the wife's lover being able to influence the husband's promotion prospects within a firm or institution.)

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > cocu

  • 46 Ч-85

    ЧЕМ ЧЁРТ HE ШУТИТ (saying) all kinds of things could happen, anything can happen (used to express the fear that sth. bad might happen, or the hope that sth. desirable but unlikely will happen): - (there's) no telling what could (might) happen you can never tell what might happen you never can tell you never know stranger things have happened anything' possible.
    К Анфисе Петровне он не собирался заходить. Откуда у неё деньги? На тех же трудоднях сидит. Но у неё был свет, и он свернул в заулок. Чем чёрт не шутит! А вдруг да выгорит (Абрамов 1). Не had not intended to visit Anfisa Petrovna. How could she have any money? She had the same workdays under her belt as everybody else. But there was a light on, so he turned into her yard. No telling what could happen. He might just strike it lucky! (1a).
    Теперь мне светила вполне определённая цель - предложить эту рукопись толстым журналам. Может быть, «Юности», где я уже печатала свои очерки? Или - чем чёрт не шутит! -даже «Новому миру», где уже появился к тому времени «Иван Денисович»? (Гинзбург 2). I had assigned myself a specific aim: to offer the manuscript to the major journals. Perhaps to Yunost, where I had already published some of my pieces. Or—you never know your luck—even to Novy Mir, which by that time had already published Ivan Denisovich (2a).
    Вы напишете пьесу, а мы её и поставим. Вот будет замечательно! А?.. И знаете ли, чем чёрт не шутит, вдруг старика удастся обломать...» (Булгаков 12). "You write your play and we'll put it on. Won't that be marvelous, eh?... And who knows, stranger things have happened-perhaps the old man himself may decide to produce it!" (12a).
    Abbreviated form of the saying «Чем чёрт не шутит, пока (когда) Бог спит» ("The devil plays all kinds of tricks while God is asleep").

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-85

  • 47 чем черт не шутит

    all kinds of things could happen, anything can happen (used to express the fear that sth. bad might happen, or the hope that sth. desirable but unlikely will happen):
    - anything's possible.
         ♦ К Анфисе Петровне он не собирался заходить. Откуда у неё деньги? На тех же трудоднях сидит. Но у неё был свет, и он свернул в заулок. Чем чёрт не шутит! А вдруг да выгорит (Абрамов 1). He had not intended to visit Anfisa Petrovna. How could she have any money? She had the same workdays under her belt as everybody else. But there was a light on, so he turned into her yard. No telling what could happen. He might just strike it lucky! (1a).
         ♦ Теперь мне светила вполне определённая цель - предложить эту рукопись толстым журналам. Может быть, "Юности", где я уже печатала свои очерки? Или - чем чёрт не шутит! - даже "Новому миру", где уже появился к тому времени "Иван Денисович"? (Гинзбург 2). I had assigned myself a specific aim: to offer the manuscript to the major journals. Perhaps to Yunost, where I had already published some of my pieces. Or - you never know your luck - even to Novy Mir, which by that time had already published Ivan Denisovich (2a).
         ♦ "Вы напишете пьесу, а мы её и поставим. Вот будет замечательно! А?.. И знаете ли, чем чёрт не шутит, вдруг старика удастся обломать..." (Булгаков 12). "You write your play and we'll put it on. Won't that be marvelous, eh?... And who knows, stranger things have happened-perhaps the old man himself may decide to produce it!" (12a).
    ← Abbreviated form of the saying "Чем чёрт не шутит, пока (когда) Бог спит" ("The devil plays all kinds of tricks while God is asleep").

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > чем черт не шутит

  • 48 hambre

    1 hunger (apetito).
    tener hambre to be hungry
    matar el hambre to satisfy one's hunger
    morir o morirse de hambre to be starving, to be dying of hunger (literalmente) to be starving (tener mucha hambre)
    pasar hambre to starve
    hambre canina ravenous hunger
    2 famine (epidemia).
    * * *
    (Takes el in singular)
    1 hunger, starvation, famine
    entretener el hambre figurado to stave off hunger
    hambre y sed de justicia figurado hunger and thirst for justice
    matar de hambre a alguien to starve somebody to death
    matar el hambre figurado to stave off hunger
    morirse de hambre to die of starvation, be starving
    pasar hambre to be hungry, go hungry
    ser más listo,-a que el hambre figurado to be a cunning devil
    ser un,-a muerto,-a de hambre peyorativo to be a good-for-nothing
    tener hambre to be hungry
    salario de hambre starvation wages plural
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=necesidad de comer) hunger

    estar con hambre — to be hungry

    vengo con mucha hambre — I'm terribly hungry, I'm starving *

    dar hambre a algn — to make sb hungry

    entrar hambre, me está entrando hambre — I'm starting to feel hungry, I'm getting hungry

    matar de hambre a algn — to starve sb to death

    morir de hambre — to die of hunger, starve to death

    padecer o pasar hambre — to go hungry

    quedarse con hambre, se han quedado con hambre — they are still hungry

    tener hambre — to be hungry

    tener un hambre canina o de lobo — to be ravenous, be ravenously hungry

    muerto, salario
    2) (=escasez general) famine
    3) (=deseo)

    tener hambre de justicia/triunfos — to be hungry for justice/victory

    * * *
    a) ( sensación) hunger

    me muero de hambre — (fam) I'm starving (colloq)

    matar el hambre: comió unas galletas para matar el hambre he ate some cookies to keep him going; ser más listo que el hambre (fam) to be razor sharp (colloq); tengo/tiene un hambre canina I/he could eat a horse (colloq); a buen hambre no hay pan duro — beggars can't be choosers

    2) (liter) (ansia, deseo)
    * * *
    = starvation, hunger.
    Ex. This approach let to the financial starvation of public libraries.
    Ex. This article highlights bibliometrically the degree of fit between the national research effort and the social aim of agriculture, (to prevent hunger and poverty).
    * con hambre de poder = power-hungry.
    * con un poco de hambre = peckish.
    * despertar el hambre = work up + an appetite.
    * engañar el hambre = keep + the wolves from the door.
    * entrar hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.
    * estar muerto de hambre = be starving to death.
    * huelga de hambre = hunger strike.
    * juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * más hambre que el perro de un ciego = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.
    * más hambre que un maestro de escuela = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.
    * matar de hambre = starve to + death.
    * morir de hambre = starve to + death, die of + hunger, starve of + hunger.
    * morirse de hambre = starve.
    * muerto de hambre = poverty-stricken, starving.
    * padecer hambre = suffer from + hunger.
    * pan para hoy y hambre para mañana = rob Peter to pay Paul.
    * pasar hambre = suffer from + hunger, go + hungry, starve.
    * retortijón de hambre = hunger pang, pang of hunger.
    * sentir hambre = be hungry, feel + hungry.
    * tener hambre = be hungry, feel + hungry.
    * tener hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.
    * * *
    a) ( sensación) hunger

    me muero de hambre — (fam) I'm starving (colloq)

    matar el hambre: comió unas galletas para matar el hambre he ate some cookies to keep him going; ser más listo que el hambre (fam) to be razor sharp (colloq); tengo/tiene un hambre canina I/he could eat a horse (colloq); a buen hambre no hay pan duro — beggars can't be choosers

    2) (liter) (ansia, deseo)
    * * *
    = starvation, hunger.

    Ex: This approach let to the financial starvation of public libraries.

    Ex: This article highlights bibliometrically the degree of fit between the national research effort and the social aim of agriculture, (to prevent hunger and poverty).
    * con hambre de poder = power-hungry.
    * con un poco de hambre = peckish.
    * despertar el hambre = work up + an appetite.
    * engañar el hambre = keep + the wolves from the door.
    * entrar hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.
    * estar muerto de hambre = be starving to death.
    * huelga de hambre = hunger strike.
    * juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * más hambre que el perro de un ciego = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.
    * más hambre que un maestro de escuela = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.
    * matar de hambre = starve to + death.
    * morir de hambre = starve to + death, die of + hunger, starve of + hunger.
    * morirse de hambre = starve.
    * muerto de hambre = poverty-stricken, starving.
    * padecer hambre = suffer from + hunger.
    * pan para hoy y hambre para mañana = rob Peter to pay Paul.
    * pasar hambre = suffer from + hunger, go + hungry, starve.
    * retortijón de hambre = hunger pang, pang of hunger.
    * sentir hambre = be hungry, feel + hungry.
    * tener hambre = be hungry, feel + hungry.
    * tener hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.

    * * *
    1 (sensación) hunger
    tengo hambre I'm hungry
    tengo hambre de algo dulce ( fam); I feel like something sweet
    pasamos un hambre horrible ( fam); we were starving ( colloq)
    el ejercicio da hambre exercise makes you hungry
    me muero de hambre or tengo un hambre que me muero I'm starving ( colloq)
    allí la gente se muere de hambre people are starving to death there
    matar el hambre: comió unas galletas para matar el hambre he ate some cookies to keep him going o to stop him feeling hungry o ( colloq) to keep the wolf from the door
    se ha juntado el hambre con las ganas de comer or se juntaron el hambre y las ganas de comer ( hum); one is as bad as the other, they're two of a kind, they're a right pair ( colloq)
    ser más listo que el hambre ( fam); to be razor sharp ( colloq)
    tengo/tiene un hambre canina I'm/he's ravenous, I/he could eat a horse ( colloq)
    a buen hambre no hay pan duro or ( RPl) cuando hay hambre no hay pan duro or ( Col) a buen hambre no hay mal pan beggars can't be choosers
    muerto2 (↑ muerto (2))
    (como problema): el hambre hunger
    una campaña contra el hambre a campaign against hunger
    pagan sueldos de hambre they pay starvation wages
    B ( liter) (ansia, deseo) hambre DE algo:
    tienen hambre de justicia they hunger for o after justice
    su insaciable hambre de riqueza/poder his insatiable desire o hunger for wealth/power
    su hambre de cariño her hunger o longing for affection
    * * *


    hambre feminine noun taking masculine article in the singular

    pasar hambre to go hungry;
    morirse de hambre to starve to death;
    me muero de hambre (fam) I'm starving (colloq)

    hambre sustantivo femenino
    1 (apetito) hunger: tengo mucha hambre, I'm very hungry
    2 (inanición) starvation: miles de personas mueren de hambre, thousands of people are starving
    (mal, desgracia) famine: el hambre asola el país, famine is ravaging the country
    3 fig (deseo intenso) hunger: tiene hambre de victoria, she's hungering for victory o she's thirsty for victory
    ♦ Locuciones: ser más listo que el hambre, to be as smart as they come
    se juntaron el hambre y las ganas de comer, they are one and alike
    ' hambre' also found in these entries:
    - aguzar
    - canina
    - canino
    - consigo
    - de
    - desfallecer
    - el
    - engañar
    - feroz
    - gana
    - huelga
    - impasible
    - matar
    - morir
    - morirse
    - muerta
    - muerto
    - no
    - paliar
    - quitar
    - saciar
    - secuela
    - solitaria
    - tener
    - aplacar
    - bárbaro
    - bestial
    - calmar
    - consumido
    - entrar
    - horroroso
    - insatisfecho
    - mucho
    - padecer
    - pobre
    - sentir
    - un
    - bet
    - expect
    - famine
    - famished
    - how
    - hunger
    - hunger strike
    - hungry
    - pang
    - peckish
    - ravenous
    - starvation
    - starve
    - starving
    - strike
    - feel
    - go
    - half-
    - horse
    - stricken
    - subsistence
    * * *
    1. [apetito] hunger;
    [inanición] starvation;
    tener hambre to be hungry;
    me ha entrado hambre I'm starting to feel hungry, I'm getting hungry;
    prepara una buena cena, que venimos con hambre make sure there's plenty for dinner because we'll be hungry when we arrive;
    me voy a tomar un yogur para entretener o [m5] engañar el hambre I'm going to have a yoghurt to keep me going (until my next meal);
    matar el hambre to satisfy one's hunger;
    nos mataban de hambre they had us on a starvation diet;
    morir o [m5] morirse de hambre [literalmente] to be starving, to be dying of hunger;
    [tener mucha hambre] to be starving;
    pasar hambre to starve;
    durante la posguerra, la población pasó mucha hambre in the years after the war, people often went hungry;
    me he quedado con hambre I'm still hungry;
    se juntan el hambre con las ganas de comer it's one thing on top of another;
    ser más listo que el hambre to be nobody's fool;
    a buen hambre no hay pan duro, RP [m5] cuando hay hambre no hay pan duro [de comida] hunger is the best sauce;
    [de mujeres, placeres] beggars can't be choosers hambre canina ravenous hunger
    2. [problema] famine;
    el problema del hambre en la región the problem of famine in the area;
    una campaña contra el hambre a campaign against hunger
    3. [deseo]
    hambre de hunger o thirst for;
    se destaca por su hambre de justicia his hunger for justice sets him apart;
    su hambre de poder es insaciable his hunger o thirst for power is insatiable
    * * *
    f hunger;
    tener hambre be hungry;
    pasar hambre be starving;
    morirse de hambre fig be starving;
    ser un muerto de hambre be on the bread line; en relaciones have no luck with the opposite sex
    * * *
    hambre nf
    1) : hunger
    2) : starvation
    tener hambre : to be hungry
    dar hambre : to make hungry
    * * *
    También existen los términos starvation que se refiere al sufrimiento o a la muerte provocados por el hambre y famine que es la falta extrema de alimentos que afecta a un gran número de personas
    se murió de hambre she starved to death / she died of starvation
    ¿tienes hambre? are you hungry?

    Spanish-English dictionary > hambre

  • 49 pendu

    n. m.
    1. Avoir une veine de pendu: To have the luck of the devil. (Why this should be, is baffling, unless the poor devil survived!)
    2. Ne pas parler de corde dans la maison d'un pendu: To steer clear of a sensitive topic of conversation.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > pendu

  • 50 Mordsglück

    Mords·glück nt
    incredibly good luck;
    ein \Mordsglück haben to be incredibly lucky, to have the luck of the devil

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > Mordsglück

  • 51 vase

    n. m.
    1. Le vase: The arse-hole, the anal sphincter.
    2. Avoir du vase: To have the luck of the devil. Il a eu un vase terrible ces temps-ci au P.m.U.! Lately he's had an incredible winning streak with the gee-gees! (It is interesting to note that sodomy and good fortune are often associated in modern colloquial French as exemplified in expressions such as avoir du fion, avoir un cul terrible.)
    n. f.
    1. Rain. Il nous est tombé une de ces vases! It just poured buckets!
    2. 'Corporation pop', 'Adam's ale', water.
    3. Etre dans la vase: To be 'in the shit', 'in the soup', to be in a fix.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > vase

  • 52 bock

    n. m.
    1. Small glass of beer. (Content of standard balloon glass.)
    2. Avoir du bock: To have the luck of the devil, to be extremely fortunate. (Jacques Cellard and Alain Rey in their DICTIONNAIRE DU FRANÇAIS NONCONVENTIONNEL state that the word is found only within the above expression and are in some doubt as to the word's etymology.)

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > bock

  • 53 nickelé

      a To be a 'jammy bugger', to have the luck of the devil. (The Pieds-Nickelés, the creation of the humorous cartoonist Louis Forton, are three happy-go-lucky characters who boomerang from rags to riches and back to rags in every episode. Their ability to fall back on their feet and laugh at adversity was and is their trademark as their hilarious cartoon capers are forever being revived.)
      b To sit tight, to refuse to budge. (This expression is often used in a work context when referring to an obstreperous employee.)

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > nickelé

  • 54 tarte

    n. f.
    1. 'Biff', blow (usually a slap in the face).
    2. C'est de la tarte! 'lt's a piece of cake!'—It's as easy as pie! — It's (dead) simple! Lui faire payer l'addition, ça va pas être de la tarte! Getting him to pay the bill's going to be no doddle!
    3. Avoir de la tarte (Gambling slang): To have the luck of the devil.
    adj. inv.
    1. Ugly. Sa dernière nana est d'un tarte! That latest bird of his is some eyesore!
    2. 'Crummy', 'lousy', worthless.
    3. (of person): 'Thick', stupid.
    4. (of happening): Stupid, silly. Il lui arrive toujours des histoires tarte! The daftest things seem to happen to him!

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > tarte

  • 55 flambeau

    n. m.
    1. Passer lefiambeau: To let someone else 'carry the flame', to pass responsibility to someone else.
    2. Avoir du flambeau (Gambling slang): To have the luck of the devil.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > flambeau

  • 56 large

    n. m.
    1. Prendre le large: To 'make oneself scarce', to 'vamoose', to clear off.
    2. Gagner le large: To 'get out of harm's way', to steer clear of trouble.
    3. Donner du large à quelqu'un: To 'give someone a wide berth', to carefully avoid someone.
    1. L'avoir large: To have 'the luck of the devil', to be extremely fortunate.
    2. Ne pas être large du dos: To be 'tight-fisted', to be mean.
    adv. Ne pas en mener large: To feel deflated and down-in-the-mouth, to be crestfallen.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > large

  • 57 sacré

    1. Expletive expressions such as bordel de merde!nom de nom! become more potent when preceded by sacré.
    2. According to the context, sacré can crystallize admiration as in une sacrée idée: one hell of a good idea; envy as in avoir un sacré pot: to have the luck of the devil; or contempt as in une sacrée fripouille (of man): an out-and-out swine.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > sacré

  • 58 verni

    adj. 'Jammy', lucky, fortunate. Etre verni au pinceau à merde: To have the luck of the devil. (There is a strange correlation between the word merde and good fortune in modern colloquial French.)

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > verni

  • 59 tener una suerte loca

    familiar to have the luck of the devil

    Spanish-English dictionary > tener una suerte loca

  • 60 baraka

    n. f. Avoir la baraka: To have the luck of the devil, to be incredibly lucky.

    Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French > baraka

См. также в других словарях:

  • have the devil's own luck — have the luck of the devil or have the devil s own luck to be very lucky …   English dictionary

  • the devil’s children have the devil’s luck — Cf. the devil looks after his own. 1678 J. RAY English Proverbs (ed. 2) 126 The Devils child the Devils luck. 1721 J. KELLY Scottish Proverbs 333 The Dee’ls Bairns have Dee’ls luck. Spoken enviously when ill People prosper. 1798 LD. NELSON Letter …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • have the devil's own luck — old fashioned to be very lucky. He found a job and an apartment within a week he really has the devil s own luck, that man …   New idioms dictionary

  • have the luck of the devil — have the devil’s own luck phrase to be very lucky Thesaurus: to be or feel luckysynonym luck and luckinesshyponym Main entry: devil …   Useful english dictionary

  • have the luck of the devil — or have the devil s own luck to be very lucky …   English dictionary

  • (the) devil looks after his own — the ˌdevil looks after his ˈown idiom (saying) bad people often seem to have good luck Main entry: ↑devilidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Devil and Daniel Webster — This article is about the short story. For other uses, see The Devil and Daniel Webster (disambiguation). The Devil and Daniel Webster   Author(s) …   Wikipedia

  • The Devil's Chair (urban legend) — see also Devil s Chair (disambiguation) The term devil’s chair (or haunted chair ) in folklore is frequently attached to a class of funerary or memorial sculpture common in the United States during the nineteenth century and often associated with …   Wikipedia

  • The Devil's Threesome — Infobox Television episode Title = The Devil s Threesome Series = Californication Caption = Season = 1 Episode = 10 Airdate = Start date|2007|10|15 Production = Writer = Tom Kapinos Director = John Dahl Photographer = Guests = Episode list = List …   Wikipedia

  • have the luck of the devil — old fashioned to be very lucky. Then he won Ј3000 on the lottery that man has the luck of the devil! …   New idioms dictionary

  • Devil May Cry 4 — Developer(s) Capcom Publisher(s) Capcom Direc …   Wikipedia

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